What are the extra features for ShieldPRO?

Shield Security Pro takes an already established WordPress Security plugin to the level required by businesses and professionals to get the job done better and faster. It optimises your workflow making it easier to implement security across all the sites that you manage.

There are plenty of powerful features that are available in ShieldPRO. For example, Malware Scanner, or Plugins/Themes Scanner, Password Policies... 

Please find below list of the all ShieldPRO features you can use to increase your site security.



Shield Security extension for MainWP

Easily integrate Shield Security to help you manage your site security from within MainWP. You don't need to install a separate extension for MainWP.

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SPAM detection for contact forms

Use Shield's built-in SPAM detection system to identify contact form SPAM. Choose the form providers that should be checked for antibot and/ or human SPAM. 

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AntiBot - Custom User Forms

Automatically detect Bot requests to custom user forms.

Select your 3rd party providers to have ShieldPRO automatically detect Bot requests to these forms.

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ShieldNET is the all-encompassing term that covers the technology and features that we use to gather security and threat information from across our entire WordPress ecosystem. By collecting information from all active Shield Security plugins, we can offer this information back as threat intelligence to all sites running Shield.

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Allow WP-CLI

With WP-CLI you can perform many common actions of the ShieldPRO plugin just as you would with the point-and-click UI.

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Automatically import options and deploy configurations across your entire security network. You can easily setup the Shield Security plugin on 1 site and have all options replicated to your other sites automatically.

You can also exclude options you don't want to be imported.

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Beta Access

Enable this option to allow shield to upgrade to beta and pre-release versions.

Please only enable this on non-critical sites, and if you're comfortable with bugs arising.

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Persistent Security Admins

Specify usernames for Security Admin role.

Admin users provided will be security admins automatically, without needing the security PIN. 

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Run In MU Mode

Setup the ShieldPRO plugin to run as an MU-plugin to prevent accidental deactivation.

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White Label

Rename and re-brand the ShieldPRO plugin for your client site installations and own your own brand.

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User Auto Unblock

Allow visitors blocked by the plugin to automatically unblock themselves with

  • Shield Bot Protection 
  • Magic Email Links To Unblock Logged-In Users

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Request Path Whitelist

List of request paths that will never trigger an offense.

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CrowdSec Integration

Configure how Shield should block requests from IP addresses found on CrowdSec's list of malicious IP addresses.

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Bot Actions Behaviors

Detect and capture illegitimate bots. Configure these options:

invalid usernames, fake web crawler, 404 detect, link cheese, invalid script load, empty user agents.

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File Scan Areas

Select which areas of your WordPress site you want to be scanned.

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Automatic File Repair

Automatically repair files that have been changed, or infected with malware.

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File Locker

Detect changes to the some of the most important WordPress files as they happen (in realtime). Then, examine contents and revert as required.

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Scan Exclusions

List of file/folder paths that will never be scanned.

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Vulnerability Scanner

Scan of all your plugins against a database of known WordPress vulnerabilities.

You can also automatically apply updates to plugins with known vulnerabilities.

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Daily Scan Frequency

Improve security, increase the schedule of the automated scanners so they run more than once per day.

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Show Re-Install Links

Add a new link your plugins allowing you to easily re-install a plugin.

It also adds a message to the "Activate" link letting you re-install the plugin right before activation.

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Multi-Factor By-Pass (Remember Me)

Enter the number of days a user can by-pass future MFA after a successful MFA-login. 0 to disable.

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Allow Backup Codes

Allow users to generate a backup code that can be used to login if MFA factors are unavailable.

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Enable Auto-Login Links

Provide auto-login links for simple Email 2FA.

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Allow Any User

Allow any user to turn-on Two-Factor Authentication by email.

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Allow Passkeys

Allow users to register Passkeys & FIDO2-compatible devices to complete their WordPress login.

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Password Policies

Have full control over passwords used by users on the site (including Security Admin).

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User Registration

Test new user registration email address. Also choose how you want Shield to respond when someone tries to register on your site with an invalid email address.

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User Suspension

Allow admins to manually and automatically suspend any user account to prevent future login.

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User and Admin Login Notification Email

Be aware of when a WordPress admin has logged into your site when you are not expecting it. You can add multiple email addresses for this notification.

Also, you can have Shield to send notification to each user when a successful login occurs for their account.

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Log Retention

Automatically purge Activity Logs older than the set number of days.

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Live Traffic

Provide real-time visibility into all incoming traffic to your WordPress site by temporarily logging all requests, without any exclusions.

Monitor your site activity, debug issues, or gain insights into user behavior.

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You can also download traffic logs if you need to.

Custom Exclusions

Manually customize exclusions to skip the logging of web requests you know to be legitimate.

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Log Retention

Enter the maximum number of days you want and the Database cleanup will delete traffic logs older than that number of days.

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Traffic Rate Limiting

Restrict the number of requests a single visitor can make against your site, within a certain period of time.

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Trusted User Roles

Specify user roles that shouldn't be scanned for comments SPAM.

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Update Delay

Protect your WordPress site against auto-update disasters. 

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Manual CSP Rules

Add manual CSP rules which are not covered by the rules listed under the CSP Headers section.

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SureSend Email

SureSend is a dedicated email delivery service from Shield Security. It ensures that you get 2FA email with a verification code so you can complete your login.

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Yubikey multiple keys

You can add as many Yubikey devices to your account as you’d like.

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Custom reports

Create custom reports if you need to.

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Security Rules Builder

Create, view or edit your own custom security rules.

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Download IP Rules

You can download IP rules as CSV, if you need to.

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Download Traffic Logs

Download your traffic logs if you need to.

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Shield’s 2FA/MFA UI

Add exactly the same user interface as seen in the WordPress admin area, to the frontend with the use of a simple shortcode.

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Customise 2FA Email Content

You can change the content shown to users through the use of custom templates.

At the moment, you can customise Two-Factor Authentication Code email.

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Exclusive Customer Support

We deliver the best possible support experience that our customers demand.

You can see here what other ShieldPRO users say about us.

Easy PRO Activation

No separate Pro plugin using our unique Keyless Activation technology.

You no longer need to manage license keys, just activate your Pro license by providing your site URL in your control panel and hit the "Check License" button.

Pro features will be automatically licensed on the site within 30 seconds.

Coming soon:

  • Select individual automatic plugin updates
  • Improved Security Admin features
  • and much, much more...

How to upgrade to ShieldPRO

ShieldPRO is available within our Shield Security Pro website. If you want to purchase ShieldPRO please follow this link here.

You can also sign-up for a free ShieldPRO trial.

We’re offering 14-days so you can try out all the ShieldPRO features on any site you’d like to. You’ll get complete, unrestricted access to all PRO features.

The only limitation we have is:

  • 1 trial per person/site

To get started on the free trial, you’ll need to sign-up to it here.

Need Help?

Our team is eager to assist you. If you have any questions, get in touch here so we can help.

Interested in Affiliate Rewards For Shield Security PRO?

All you need to do is complete the registration form, and soon your sites will be setup for automatic referral links using the plugin badge.

We go into all the details here.  Also, unlike other referral schemes that only give you once-off rewards, our referrals are for life.