What is Update Delay feature and how does it work?

Update Delay feature is designed to protect your WordPress site against auto-update disasters. 

How does this feature work?

We’re proponents of automatic updates in-principle, but everyone makes mistakes and bugs happen. We don’t turn-on automatic updates for everything as there are some plugins we just don’t trust to get it right on the first release. 

Most “killer” bugs are found and fixed within 24-48hrs of a release, so what if we could delay automatic updates during this “danger” period?

Sure, we’ll apply automatic updates, but just not until that release has been available for a few days and any major bugs have been squashed.

Shield's Update Delay feature forces any automatic upgrade to be delayed for a set number of days. This allows time for killer bugs to be discovered and patched before your site automatically updates.

So, Shield will delay upgrades until the new update has been available for the set number of days. This helps ensure updates are more stable before they're automatically applied to your site (i.e. 2):

For more information about this feature, read the release article here.

Note: ShieldPRO is required for the Update Delay feature. To find out what the extra ShieldPRO features are and how to purchase, please follow this link here.