What Is Shield Beta Access Option?

Enabling the Shield Beta Access option allows you to gain access to beta versions of the Shield Security plugin.

A beta version of Shield:

  • has not yet been released for full public access.
  • may contain unknown or unforeseen bugs.
  • may contain fixes for specific bugs that don't affect all customers and so doesn't warrant a full public release at the time.
  • is not supported by our team. If you install a beta version of Shield and experience issues, please remove it and install the latest public release.
  • is only available to ShieldPRO members.

This option is accessible from within the main navigation menu > Dashboard section > Configuration > Plugin Defaults:

We recommend enabling Beta Access only after receiving the advice from our Customer Support team.

Note: ShieldPRO is required for this option. To find out what the extra ShieldPRO features are and how to purchase, please follow this link here.