What is the Daily Scan Frequency feature and how to set it?

Shield Security has an Automatic WordPress File Scanner to detect and automatically repair the integrity of your core WordPress folders, plugin & theme files and PHP malware.

When enabled, the all scanners run automatically each night and together they ensure that your WordPress Core is in mint condition.

These scans ere limited to once a day, but, with Daily Scan Frequency feature, you can increase the frequency of these scans to run every hour (up to 24 times/day).

A lot can happen in 24hrs and we feel more frequent scanning is prudent to catch infiltrations more rapidly.

Daily Scan Frequency feature can be found under the Scans & Integrity Zone > Scan Options section.

How to set scan frequency 

To set the scan frequency, simply select the frequency you’d like for the scan, and click to Save.

The default schedule is once every 24hrs but you can run scanners at the following intervals:

  • 1 hour – 24 times per day
  • 2 hours – 12 times per day
  • 3 hours – 8 times per day
  • 4 hours – 6 times per day
  • 6 hours – 4 times per day
  • 8 hours – 3 times per day
  • 12 hours – 2 times per day
  • 24 hours – 1 time per day

By default, the hour at which the cron is set to run is 3 a.m. You can override the hour at which the Shield crons run, including the scans by using filter:


Note: You can also set alert emails from scans. The settings can be found under the Reports section here.

For more information on Daily Scan Frequency feature, read the article here

Note: ShieldPRO is required for this feature. To find out what the extra ShieldPRO features are and how to purchase, please follow this link here.