How to allow visitors/logged-in users to automatically unblock themselves from Shield

When Shield blocks a request, the visitor is always warned. They’re given plenty of notice to discontinue what they’re doing, or they’ll get blocked.

But many site visitors will ignore these warning, until eventually their IP address is fully blocked and they can no longer access the site.

Then they'll contact the site admin. Dealing with these requests is frustrating for all parties.

To avoid this, visitors or logged-in users that have had their IP address blocked by Shield can unblock their IP address immediately.

How to allow visitors to automatically unblock themselves from Shield

There are 2 auto-unblocking options available:

  1. With Shield silentCAPTCHA Bot Protection - checking the bot protection checkbox
  2. Magic Email Links To Unblock Logged-In Users - using auto-unblock link sent by email

You can use 1 of them, or both.

Important: There are certain differences between these 2 options. For example, "magic links" option works for logged-in users only. Please read on to learn how they work.

How does the Protected By silentCAPTCHA option work?

When your site visitors or users get blocked by Shield, they'll just need to click the "Unblock My IP Address" button:

Once they've done that, they'll be unblocked automatically and redirected to the site login page.


  • The button to unblock your IP is protected by silentCAPTCHA bot-protection just like in the WordPress login page. This prevents automation by bots that are blocked.
  • Inline with our move towards exclusively using our silentCAPTCHA AntiBot system, we’ve updated the User Auto Unblock feature to use silentCAPTCHA to ensure that bots can’t automatically unblock themselves. GASP checkbox is hidden.
  • A visitor will only be able to remove themselves from the block list once in a 24 hour period. That is, if they’re blocked, and they unblocked themselves, then get blocked again, they will have to wait at least a day before they can unblock themselves. Or wait until the block expires.

How does the Magic Email Links To Unblock Logged-In Users option work?

When your logged-in site users get blocked by Shield, they'll just need to click for sending auto-unblock link to their email address:

And then click the link from their email:

Once they've done that, they'll be unblocked automatically.


  • This can be used for the logged-in users only
  • A user will only be able to remove themselves from the block list once in 1 hour period. That is, if they’re blocked, and they unblocked themselves, then get blocked again, they will have to wait at 1 hour (60 min) before they can unblock themselves. Or wait until the block expires.

Note: ShieldPRO is required for this feature. To find out what the extra ShieldPRO features are and how to purchase, please follow this link here.