Common questions and support documentation

Shield Security Overview

Introduction To The Shield Security Plugin

Some important information about Shield Security plugin.

6 articles

Security Dashboard Sections

Overview of the Shield Security Dashboard sections (sidebar navigation).

1 article

Plugin Compatibility

Important information about plugin compatibility.

9 articles

Shield Plugin General FAQ

Most common questions about Shield and issues.

13 articles


Pro Features

Pro features intro and what you need to do after upgrading to Pro.

4 articles

Pro License

License activation and managing.

3 articles


Pro account and billing information.

9 articles

Customer Support

How to contact support and submit support ticket.

3 articles

Shield Upgrade Guides

9.x Upgrade Guides

All upgrade guides for v9.x.

3 articles

10.x Upgrade Guides

All upgrade guides for v10.x.

3 articles

11.x Upgrade Guides

All upgrade guides for v11.x.

6 articles

12x Upgrade Guides

1 article

13.x Upgrade Guides

Shield plugin upgrade guides.

1 article

14.x Upgrade Guides

2 articles

15.x Upgrade Guides

Shield 15.x releases guides.

2 articles

16x Upgrade Guides

Shield 16.0 upgrade guides.

1 article

17x Upgrade Guides

Shield 17.x upgrade guides.

1 article

18x Upgrade Guides

Shield Security plugin 18.x upgrade guides.

6 articles

19.x Upgrade Guides

Shield upgrade guides for 19.x versions.

2 articles

20.x Upgrade Guides

ShieldPRO 20.0+ upgrade guides.

1 article

Upgrade & Install FAQ

1 article

General Configuration

General Plugin Options

Important default settings used throughout the plugin.

8 articles

Security Admin

Security Admin General

Introduction to Security Admin module and most important general options.

2 articles

Security Admin Restriction Settings

Restricts access to unauthorized admins.

3 articles

Security Admin FAQ

Most common questions about Security Admin restrictions.

3 articles

Firewall Zone

Firewall General

Introduction to Firewall module and most important general options.

2 articles

Request Firewall Options

Choose what kind of malicious data to scan for.

2 articles


4 articles

Traffic Rate Limiting

1 article

WordPress Obscurity

2 articles

Firewall Whitelists

Pages and parameters that are whitelisted (ignored by the firewall).

2 articles

Firewall FAQ

Most common questions about Firewall and blocking.

3 articles

Bots & IPs Blocking

IP Blocking General

Introduction to Block Bad IPs/Visitors module and most important general options.

2 articles

Auto IP Blocking Rules

Set the auto IP blocking rules.

3 articles

Bots Detection And Blocking

Detect and block bad bots.

8 articles

silentCAPTCHA AntiBot Technology

Shield’s defense against WordPress bots.

4 articles


CrowdSec Community IP Reputation Database

2 articles

IP Management And Analysis

Analyse and manage blocked and whitelisted IPs.

4 articles

User Auto Unblock

Allow visitors to unblock their IP automatically.

1 article

IP Blocking FAQ

Most common questions about blocked or whitelisted IPs or lockouts.

12 articles

Scans & Integrity

Scans General

Introduction to Hack Guard module and most important general options.

5 articles

Scan Options

5 articles

WordPress File Scan

Scan areas include: WordPress Core Files, Plugin and Themes, and PHP Malware.

2 articles

Core Files Scanner

Scan and monitor WordPress Core Files for changes.

3 articles

Unrecognised Files Scanner

Scans for, and automatically deletes Unrecognised Files In Core directories.

2 articles

Plugin/Theme Scanner

Scan and monitor Plugin & Theme files for changes.

1 article

Malware Scanner

Scan and monitor files for malware infections.

3 articles

Vulnerabilities Scanner

Detect plugins with known security vulnerabilities.

2 articles

Abandoned Plugin Scanner

Scan your assets for whether they've been abandoned.

1 article

File Locker

Detects file changes then lets you examine contents and revert as required.

1 article

Scanners FAQ

Most common questions, issues related to the scans.

9 articles

Login Protection

Login Protection General

Introduction to Login Guard module and most important general options.

2 articles

Brute Force Login Protection

Login, probing and illegitimate bots detection and blocking.

4 articles

2FA: General Configuration

General user MFA configuration.

5 articles

2FA: Email

Verifies the identity of users who log in to site using email-based 2FA.

7 articles

2FA: OTP (Yubikey)

2FA One-Time Passwords settings (hardware Yubikey, Google Authenticator)

3 articles

Google Authenticator

Verifies the identity of users who login using Google Auth one-time password.

5 articles

2FA: Passkeys (WebAuthn)

2FA with Passkeys (WebAuthn)

2 articles

Hide WP Login Page

Hide the WordPress Login page.

3 articles

Login Protection FAQ

Most common questions about login protection, blocking.

9 articles

Users Protection

Users General

Introduction to User Management module and most important general options.

2 articles

User Session Management

Control user sessions and expire idle sessions and prevent account sharing.

2 articles

Login Notification Email

Sends email notification to each user upon successful login and when admins login.

1 article

Password Policies

Full control over passwords used by users on the site.

3 articles

User Registration

Control user registration and prevent SPAM.

1 article

User Suspension

Automatically suspends accounts to prevent login by certain users.

2 articles

SPAM Protection

SPAM Protection General

Block WordPress Comment SPAM and Contact Form SPAM.

2 articles

Auto Bot Comment SPAM Protection

Blocks 100% of all automated bot-generated comment SPAM.

2 articles

Human Comment SPAM Protection

Detect human-based comment SPAM.

1 article

Common Settings For SPAM

Settings that apply to all comment SPAM scanning.

2 articles

SPAM Protection FAQ

Most common questions about comments & contact forms protection and blocking.

2 articles

HTTP Headers

HTTP Headers General

Introduction to HTTP Headers module and most important general options.

2 articles

Advanced Security Headers

Protect visitors to your site by implementing increased security response headers.

1 article

Content Security Policy Headers

Restrict the sources and types of content that may be loaded and processed by visitor

1 article

HTTP Headers FAQ

Most common questions about headers and content blocking.

2 articles

WP Activity Log

Activity Log General

Introduction to Activity Log module and most important general options.

4 articles


Additional Features and Options available to developers

1 article

Activity Log Options

Finer control over the activity log itself.

1 article

Request Logging

Request Logging General

Introduction to Request Logging system and most important general options.

2 articles

Request Logging Options

Finer control over the Request Logging system.

2 articles

Custom Security Rules Builder

Custom Rules Builder General

Introduction to the Custom Rules Builder.

2 articles

Custom Security Rules Cookbook

A collection of recipes for building your own custom security rules

5 articles


Site Lockdown

1 article


2 articles

White Label

2 articles

Guided Setup

2 articles

Debug Info

1 article

Third Party Integrations

Built-In Shield Integrations

Shield can automatically integrate with 3rd party plugins.

4 articles

AntiBot SPAM Detection

Detect 3rd-party contact forms SPAM:

2 articles

User Forms Bot Checking

Auto protect 3rd party login and registration forms against Bots.

1 article


Reporting General

Email reports from scans and other important activities on your site.

1 article

Security Reports

Reports from scans, stats info and charts.

5 articles

Automatic Updates

Automatic Updates FAQ

Most common questions about WP auto-updates.

5 articles

Custom Templates

Custom Templates Guidelines

Important information about custom templates.

3 articles

2FA By Email Custom Template

Customise 2FA by email content.

1 article


For Developers

3 articles

Discontinued Options


Options that are not available in the most resect plugin versions.

33 articles