ShieldPRO 18.4 Upgrade Guide

ShieldPRO 18.4 release prioritizes performance improvements. We've been investigating reports of gradual page loading degradation and its potential connection to Shield. In this release article here, we detail our discoveries.

This guide outlines what have been added, changed, or improved and what fixes we've made.

New Added Features

  • Print option for the Shield Debug Info page

Now, you can print entire Debug Info page. This option can be found under the Tools Section > Debug Info.

  • New: Improved Page Loading Performance

We made performance improvements for page loading & TTFB through various optimisations.

  • Developers: New Filters

We provide a filter for admins to adjust the lost password URL for suspended users.


For 18.4 release we've made the following fixes

  • 2FA Login Redirects

Fixed a rare scenario where the redirect to flag for WP logins wasn't being completely honoured when 2FA was used.

  • Google Authenticator QR Codes

Fixed broken rendering of QR Codes for Google Authenticator.

  • (patch 18.4.3 release)
    • Fixed potential error on loading Shield admin screens.
  • (patch 18.4.4 release)
    • Scenario where FileLocker wasn't creating file locks on the WP Cron.
    • Some file download links weren't working correctly.

For more information on Shield 18.4 release, read this blog article here.