Shield: White Label Options Explained

White Label for the Shield Security plugin gives you the ability to rename and re-brand the Shield plugin for your client site installations. With White Label, you can own your own brand.

Important: Before you start using White Label, please ensure that White Label system is enabled.

White Label Options Explained

There are several White Label options and we're going to explain each one of them, along with examples.

Option: Hide Updates

You can use this option to hide available Shield Security plugin updates from non-security administrators.    

Available plugin updates will display to Security Admins only, on the Plugins page and inside the admin area.

Example: Notice inside the admin area

(this will be hidden from non-security admins)

Option: Replace Plugin Badge

This option will replace the URL and link on the plugin badge with your Whitelabel settings.

You can set your own plugin name and your site URL (when a user clicks the home link for this plugin, this is where they'll be directed).

Example, if you want to replace the following on the plugin badge

  • plugin name
  • home URL
  • plugin badge (logo) - option "Plugin Badge Logo", should measure 128px x 128px.

... ensure that "Replace Plugin Badge" option is enabled and that you have set your custom plugin name, site home URL, and plugin badge logo.

Example: Badge

Further Plugin Badge Customisation (using filter)

You may use a WordPress filter to make fine adjustments to settings and styles of the plugin badge:

You can customise

  • plugin name and text
  • badge background 

Example: Filter (customise plugin name, text & background)

Example: Plugin name, text & yellow background

Option: Plugin Name

The Shield plugin name displayed on the plugin pages will be renamed.


Example: Plugins page

Also, any emails sent out to users will display your custom plugin name in place of “Shield” (i.e. 2FA login verification, user/admin login notification, site reports...).

Hint: You can further customise 2FA login verification email content sent to your users by using custom templates detailed here.

Example: 2FA verification email

Example: Admin login notification email

Example: Reports email

Example: Alert from scans report

Option: Menu Title

This is the main menu title of the Plugin.

For example, if you set your own menu title of the plugin to "My Plugin", "Shield" name will be replaced with "My Plugin".

Example: Menu title

Important: If Menu Title field is left empty, the plugin name you have set in the "Plugin Name" field will be used. For example, your plugin name is set to "My Plugin Name", and your main menu title to "My Plugin". If you remove "My Plugin" and leave the field empty, your menu title will display "My Plugin Name".


If you want to get back the original plugin name (Shield Security) in the main menu, remove both plugin name and plugin main titles. 

Option: Company Name

You can set your own company name (i.e. "My Company Name").

It will replace our company name with yours, (on the Plugins page).


Option: Description

You can have your own description of the plugin displayed on the Plugins page.


Option: Home URL

You can set plugin home page URL. When a user clicks the home link for this plugin, this is where they'll be directed.

Example: Your company home URL on the Plugins page

Example: On the plugin badge (if you enable "Replace Plugin Badge" option along with adding your own custom home URL)

Option: Menu Icon

You can choose what icon will be displayed in the main menu.

Important: Please provide the full logo URL and ensure that the URLs for your company logos are valid and publicly accessible.

The icon should measure 16px x 16px.

Example: Menu icon

Option: Dashboard and 2FA Login Logo URL

You can choose what logo to display on the Dashboard and the Two-Factor Authentication login page (OTP). This logo will apply to the Shield blocking pages too.

Important: Please provide the full logo URL and ensure that the URLs for your company logos are valid and publicly accessible.

The icon should measure 772px x 250px.

Example: Plugin Dashboard Logo

Example: WordPress Dashboard - Security Overview logo

Example: 2FA Login Logo URL

Example: General Shield blocking page

For more information on White Label for Shield Security, please read this release article here.