How to customise 2FA Email content (step-by-step)

Before you try customising 2FA email content, we highly recommend you to read this guidelines here first.

Please also note that this is a Premium feature only

In this example, email content we're going to customise is " Two-Factor Authentication Code".

Step 1: Create directory in your theme

Go to your File Manager (i.e. FileZilla) and create "shield_templates" directory within your theme. And then, inside this directory, create a directory "email":

Step 2: Copy the file to the "email" directory

Locate "lp_2fa_email_code.twig" file - /wp-content/plugins/wp-simple-firewall/templates/twig/email/lp_2fa_email_code.twig :

And then, copy this file (do not delete or move it) to the new "email" directory you created within your theme (step 1):

The original email template content is:

Step 3: Customise 2FA email content

For example, we want simple text to appear to our users, something like:

Hi !

This is your 2FA login verification code: xxxx

Thank you for being our customer.

Stay safe!

To do this, click to edit the "lp_2fa_email_code.twig" file and change the content to:

Your users will get 2FA login email with your custom content.

Note: If you want to customise company or plugin name, you can do that by using White Label for Shield Security.