User Sessions Management tool

User Sessions Management tool of the Shield Security plugin is accessible from within the main navigation menu > under the Tools section.

This tool simply give you a view on to who is on your site and where they are from.  

You can review and manage current user sessions on your WordPress site and see

  • the time they logged into this session
  • their last activity time
  • the username and IP address from which they’re accessing the site and user agent
  • session expiration time
  • if the user is Security Admin or not
You have the ability to forcefully logout user(s), for whatever reason, and do so without affecting other logged-in user. Just click to select the user in the table and choose “Delete Selected” option.

There is a filter in the user sessions table you can filter by usernames including search for username.

You can also click an IP to open up IP analysis dialog to see all the details for that particular IP. For example:

For more information about the User Sessions Management, read the blog article here.