Choose your own Google reCAPTCHA or hCaptcha style

Note: This option is no longer applicable to the latest version of the Shield Security plugin and is here for reference purposes only. It's completely removed and replaced with the silentCAPTCHA AntiBot system.

CAPTCHA is both powerful if a little inelegant – it should be on all WordPress sites where alternatives aren't available.

Note: ShieldPRO comes with its own powerful AntiBot Detection Engine (ADE), designed to replace the need for CAPTCHAs. We recommend replacing your use of CAPTCHAs with the ADE. If you enable ADE, it'll disable Captcha and Bot Protection options. 

With Shield plugin, you have access to Google reCAPTCHA and hCaptcha for WordPress login. It’ll prevent brute-force bot login attempts.

Additionally, with ShieldPRO, you have the ability to choose CAPTCHA theme/style (including the Invisible CAPTCHA). 

Important: In order to use CAPTCHA for login, you'll need to disable ADE first.

Note: Before you can make full use of this option, you will have to register for CAPTCHA keys and enable CAPTCHA for use across Shield. For example, if you want to use Google reCaptcha, follow the steps outlined in this article

What CAPTCHA styles are available?

With CAPTCHA style option, you can decide how CAPTCHA will be displayed. There are 3 styles available: "light theme", "dark theme" and "invisible captcha".

Google Recaptcha Styles

hCaptcha Styles

And Invisible hCaptcha style. 

Important: Some forms are more dynamic than others so if you experience problems, please use non-Invisible CAPTCHA.

How to use "Default" style

If you set "default" style for CAPTCHA login, it will fallback to the "General" settings.

For example, if you set "default" style for brute force login protection...

... it will fallback to the "General" settings:

So, if you want to use i.e. "dark theme" for login, choose "Dark Theme" within "General" and leave "Default" for the all other CAPTCHA features.

CAPTCHA Style option availability

This option is available within:

Note: ShieldPRO is required for CAPTCHA Style feature. To find out what the extra ShieldPRO features are and how to purchase, please follow this link here.