What are the Automatic Bot Comment SPAM Protection options?

The Automatic Bot Comment SPAM Protection blocks 100% of all automated bot-generated comment SPAM.

Automatic Bot Comment SPAM Protection options explanations

Option: Block Bot SPAM

Use silentCAPTCHA, the ShieldPRO's exclusive bot-detection technology that removes the needs for visible CAPTCHAs and similar visitor challenges.

Option: SPAM Action

This option allows you to decide how to categorise comments when identified to be SPAM.

Select one of the 4 options from the drop-down list:

  1. Mark as pending moderation

    This doesn't mark the comment as spam, but instead marks it as "pending" and you will need to approve it. This is not recommended.

  2. Mark as SPAM

    The comment will be immediately moved to the SPAM folder.

  3. Move to trash

    The comment will be immediately moved to the Trash folder.

  4. Reject and redirect

    The comment processing will stop immediately and will not be inserted into the WordPress comments database - the comment submission will be redirected to the website's home page.

To learn more about this feature, read this article here.