What are the Permissions and Access feature options?

Note: The Permissions and Access feature is no longer applicable to the latest version of the Shield Security plugin and is here for reference purposes only. Disable File Editing option is now under the Firewall Zone > Obscurity component.

Permissions and Access feature provides finer control of certain WordPress permissions.

The options available are as follows:

  • Disable File Editing - If you don't want your WordPress site users to edit files from within the dashboard, use this option.
  • Force SSL Admin - This option forces WordPress Admin Dashboard to be delivered over SSL. With this option enabled, the WordPress login is always forced over SSL. That means the URL for submitting the login form will begin with HTTPS://. If you don’t have an SSL certificate installed on your site you’ll face login problems so only do this if you’ve sorted this part out first. Please only enable this option if you have a valid SSL certificate installed. Otherwise, you will be locked out from your site and unable to login.

For more information about the WordPress file editing, read the blog article here

For more information about the WordPress admin and SSL, read the blog article here.