I've Forgotten My Security Admin PIN

Security Admin is a powerful security layer that restricts access to the WordPress Shield Security plugin preventing unauthorized changes to your security settings. 

Once activated, it will lock down access to the settings of the Shield Security plugin to only those administrators that know the Security Admin PIN.

Note: Security PIN is a password that you create. It can be anything you want. You must remember it as if you do not, you will not be able to access the setting of the WordPress Shield Security plugin.

If you have either forgotten your security admin PIN, or you don't remember setting it, you can switch off the Security Admin restrictions by

  1. using the Allow Email Override option; or
  2. using a 'forceoff' file.

How to use the Allow Email Override option

This option allows the use of verification emails to override and switch off the Security Admin restrictions.

Important: Please ensure that this option is previously enabled in your Security Admin configuration (Security Zones > Security Admin > Zone Actions > Configure All Options:

So, when the Security Admin system is enabled, each time you log into your site and try to access Shield Security plugin features, you'll be prompted to supply your security admin PIN. To override and switch off the Security Admin restrictions, please click a little link for sending the verification email first (Disable Security Admin option):

Once you've done this, you'll receive an email to confirm the Security Admin restrictions removal. 

Important: The email will be sent to the email address specified in the Reports section > Reports tab > Report Email).

The email subject will be 

"[your site name] Please Confirm Security Admin Removal"

Then, just click the link provided in this email to confirm the removal of the Security Admin restrictions. 

Important: This link must be opened in the same browser that was used to make this original request. You also have to be logged into that site. Otherwise, you'll get a warning: 

The link you followed has expired.

The Security Admin will be switched off and your security PIN will be removed for you automatically:

Then, you can set a new security PIN if you want.

How to use a 'forceoff' file to switch off the Security Admin restrictions

To do this, please log into your FTP manager for that site and create a "forceoff" file by following the guide outlined in the article here.

Then, you may go to your Security Admin system configuration and update your security PIN.

Once you've done this, you remove a "forceoff" file.