Firewall Block Response options explanations

Note: This option is no longer applicable to the latest version of the Shield Security plugin and is here for reference purposes only.

Firewall Block Response specifies how the Shield plugin will respond when the firewall detects malicious data. 

Firewall Block Response options explanations

Option: Block Response

This option helps you to choose how the firewall responds when it blocks a request.

You have 4 possible responses:

  • Die With Message - Kill (end) the running PHP process and display a friendly message
  • Die - Immediately kill (end) the running PHP process
  • Redirect To Home Page - Redirect the web request to the homepage
  • Return 404 - Redirect the web request to a 404 page

Whichever you choose is down to your personal preference. We recommend dying with a message (the default) so you know what might have occurred when the firewall blocks you. (See the screenshot below)

For more information on how the Shield's Firewall works, read the blog article here.