How and when to reset the Shield plugin to default settings
If for whatever reason you want to return the plugin to default settings, you can do this in 2 ways:
- Manually - using "reset" method with FTP; or
- automatically with the 'Delete Plugin Settings' option.
Both of these 2 methods will do the same thing when they’re executed – they’ll return plugin settings to defaults, as if you had just installed it for the first time.
How and when to use the manual "reset" method
A UI will be created for this later, but the purpose of this is to handle scenarios where you enable a setting that locks you out and you have no access into your site.
You’ll also need to have full administrator rights to this site, and this includes FTP access.
So, you can use this method when you’re locked out of your site and have FTP access.
To reset plugin setting by default by using this method, please follow these steps:
- Connect to your site's web hosting space using FTP or any file manager
- Browse to the plugin's folder: ..../wp-content/plugins/wp-simple-firewall/
- Under the 'wp-simple-firewall' folder there will be folder called 'flags'
- Create a new file in this directory called: reset
This file should have no extension, not other letters or characters. It isn't reset.php, reset.html, or anything like that - just 'reset'
- Reload your site and settings will have returned to defaults.
How and when to use the automatic reset method with the
'Delete Plugin Settings' option
This option is used when you have access to your site and you simply want to delete all previously saved Shield settings to start over and reconfigure the plugin.
It’s important to note that this option will work upon plugin deactivation only.
To use this method, you’ll need to be logged into your site, and then
- Navigate to the Dashboard section in the main navigation menu
Click the small gear icon and enable the 'Delete Plugin Settings' option under the Plugin Defaults tab as shown in the screenshot below.
Go to your Plugins page > Installed Plugins, and click to Deactivate, and then Activate Shield.
All settings will revert to default automatically.
ShieldPRO Websites
If you're running ShieldPRO on this site, the Pro license will reactivate automatically after a few minutes following the reset. However, you can also do this manually by going to your ShieldPRO page and clicking the 'Check License' button/link. (see the screenshot below)
The Pro license will be activated instantly and the Pro features available to you.